Friday, March 19, 2021

                                          We All Still Love You Harry 

        "No Harry, we were just freshmen slogging through first year Calculus." Bill remembered

how tough it was that first year. "There are electrons. Millikan measured their charge to mass 

ratio. We can just about see them today with the right electron microscopes. Weigh them. We 

have split the nucleus of the atom and released nuclear energy the same way the sun has 

been warming the earth for so many billions of years." He breathed deeply. "Matter is not light 

brown ooze." He smiled. "But your dreams were real too, and I'll bet you've figured it out." 

     He felt the room vibrate. Evelyn was in the next room. They were in the Hyatt Regency in 

Cambridge. There was about to be a large hole in the side of the building facing the Charles

River.. Six floors up. An empty space, extracted somehow, pulled out of where it was and with 

no explanation as to how it happened or where it went. Ed Sharp and a crew of six 

technicians took pictures and checked for temperatures and radiation and found nothing even 

closely resembling a clue. "Not even a note, Jerry - no receipt - no hello - no goodbye. What 

is going  on? 

Ed Sharp's mouth was wide open and he didn't even know it. 

     The vibrations continued and there was a "whirring" sound as if they were moving through 

 a  tunnel of some kind. It was dark out. Evelyn had come through the adjoining door and was

 trying to look out the windows. "There's nothing there bill. Just dark. It feels like we're

 moving. What's happening? "I don't know." He was afraid but he he didn't want to show it.

     Suddenly they decelerated - like when a passenger jet lands. They had to hold onto the 

furniture - the beds. They nearly fell. Then it was light and you could see outside. Palm trees? 

"We're in Costa Rica!" "Well sort of Bill", came the familiar voice of Harry Adelman - maybe

 Costa Rica of a different galaxy though"

. ..  

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