Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Plotnik's Furniture store was located on East 117th street and had the same location for over 80 years, but it had changed it's name quite a few times to suit the styles of the different Plotnik's as they became the new owners. The current owner called it "Snooks". He felt it fit the neighborhood and the times and sounded like a comfortable sofa. It was also the nickname of his girlfriend.
"Look Mitch", Bob Plotnik was grooving in a new salesman, "what are these people doing here? Do they just come in from the street to walk around and look at the chairs, are they tired, do they need to sit down?" - and without time to even think about this - "No - of course not - they're here because they need a piece of furniture - maybe a sofa - maybe a mattress - maybe a kitchen table. We don't care what they think they need - We know better than they do what they need. A "one" or a "two" or a "three" - that's what they need."