Monday, March 8, 2021

                                   We All Still Love You Harry 

Harry Adelman was a computer hardware engineer who had worked out a digital coding scheme that would replicate real biological tissue using molecular scanning techniques which he protected for his own use and which he developed into a three dimensional reconstruction system which he claimed could "copy and paste" real biological specimens of living tissue". The paper had resulted in dozens of senior technicians at AGH nearly choking to death due to laughter. His presentation at AGH totally fell apart due to the reactions of the audience - all senior technicians mind you - and he left abruptly leaving only what appeared to be two "eggs' and a 'cucumber" on the lectern. "Forget your lunch Harry?" - to screams of laughter and the sound of a slammed door.

   Harry was no fool. He knew exactly what he was doing and why they were laughing at him. Sure it hurt. These were the guys who were supposed to be his friends. He grew up with them, went to school with them, played with them on the beach and sailed with them out on the ocean. He was born in Miami before things fell apart in the US, was in High School when the President was shot. What a shock that was. Cuba and Oswald, live on TV. The world had turned into a TV show. What was real? He watched Apollo 11 lift off at Cape Canaveral: 

He was totally exhilarated. This was real! This was good. The ground shook. The engines roared and the ship rose.

Few people realize how much development there has been in the field of electronic computing.

...watching the above video might give you an idea of where the electronic computer started and what it looked like. I studied my first circuits course at the Moore School. I think the ENIAC is still in the basement somewhere. I know one of Edison's first successful light bulbs is. Our High School Class went to Exide Battery and saw the Eniac in action, Amazing - whirring spools of tape - buzzed and spun - an entire large room - air conditioned to handle the heat generated by thousand and thousands of vacuum tubes. Incredible. Your iPhone does way more today. In fact, a simple calculator can out perform the ENIAC. Things have changed that much. I worked for UNIVAC in Blue Bell, PA on third generation random access memories. Magnetic wire. So we had something like a large wide book case about seven feet tall as opposed by the large air conditioned room for the ENIAC. UNIVAC is now Unisys and they make the bar codes and machinery that is used to check the prices on the items you buy in the supermarket and other places. Time flies when you're having fun. Still - compare the iPhone with the first apple computers that could handle - what - 120,000 bytes of data or somethin like that. Your cell phone handles giga bytes - that's about a billion bytes - or about a billion words.
     Harry Adelman not only knew how a computer was made, he designed their uses. He designed and set up programs that even the public could use. One of the earlier problems that still exist today is storing and retrieving data. Pictures, and particularly videos, like the one about the ENIAC above need a storage capacity that's really enormous - so the storage area must be close to as small as it can get - like molecular scale - which is as small as we even know about. This was Harry's area of expertise and what he would give his famous lectures about - till he disappeared. Some really feared that he did actually disappear into one of those tiny universes until he started sending notes back to us. "It's alright - don't worry - I'm OK - we're all OK - I promise you everything will be alright. I just don't want to be bothered right now!" H. A." What did he mean - "We're all OK"? - and that's where the real trouble began. 

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