Tuesday, July 7, 2020


   n'took looked out at the strong yellow sun of July and was thankful for the warmth. He was also thankful for his fur coat of elk and his sealskin boots. This far north and protection against the cold and wet of winter was just about as important as breathing. The tundra was deep green and he watched it growing before his eyes and smiled. "This is a good day mother, we are lucky to be Inuit people and safe from the dangers of the wild people of the south". His mother smiled and reminded him of the stories of their history, and defeating the thieves and murderers of the south using their knowledge of the snow and cold to confuse and blind their enemies and then slay them with their bone tipped spears. n'took was proud to be Inuit and a good fisherman who the others valued to be in their company on their fishing trips. He loved the fresh smell of summer and the growing grasses, the cool breezes blowing across the tundra. He loved the gentle quiet of the night and the security that thousands of years of experience at living here had brought to his tribe...