Friday, March 26, 2021

                                   We All Still Love You Harry

                                                 Chapter 2

                                      Where do we go from here? 

             Bill was dizzy. He hadn't slept enough, or eaten anything since Cambridge. The girls 

were swimming in his mind. He'd never seen anything so beautiful. He smelled coffee and 

looked up. It was Evelyn with a pot of coffee and cups and a plate of what looked like salad and 

rolls and butter, and heaven knows what else.  "We're out front of the cottage. Harry will be right

 out. We spent the night together and he told me everything he's done. It's not really terrible, but 

it's against the law and he's worried and wants us to help him. The mangoes and avocadoes

are really good with the sauce." 

     It was starting to fit together. Harry had been working on this since they were children. He 

did his graduate work on holograms and the company he worked for had come out with what 

promised to be the next step in electronic communication - a three foot high transparent plastic 

box, filled with a proprietary gas, non-toxic, that lit up like little pixels do on flat screens, but in 

three dimensions. "RealVision" was the company name and was easily Harry's actual dream.

They had remained friends over all these years and Bill had kept close track of the 

developments of what had become RealVision. He couldn't help it. Harry was always filling him 

in on new developments. "Common sense". He'd think,"Once you'd see it work or when Harry 

would run it by you. Till then it was pure mystery and near impossible. So it goes with new

 technical developments. "Look at TV or Radio!", he'd explain to people at times.

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