We All Still Love You Harry
light brown ooze
Bill was having a hard time getting to sleep. Things were a lot easier when they
were kids in Boston and they were planning where to take their bikes the next day. They all
got along fine. They didn't even mind that Evelyn was a girl. She went everywhere with them.
"How in the world can you change data positions to something that duplicates living tissue"? Bill
was totally stopped here. "OK, you can copy pictures accurately. As accurately as you'd like.
So? All you can do with that is use it as some sort of template to create some sort of duplicate -
ink on paper, paint on plastic, you could even etch metal surfaces, so? It's not going to be the
same thing, of course, it's going to be a copy, something that looks like the original. It won't be
a real 50 dollar bill. With the right paper, you could probably pass it, but you'd be risking more
jail time than was worth the investment no matter how you look at it." He started thinking about
credit cards and magnetic codes and he thought he glimpsed a solution, but it went by so
quickly, he went back to what really bothered him and it was "real transfer", not passable
copies, but real transfer, like when you mail a real letter to someone instead of sending a
message online. He and Harry talked about this. Harry explained the basics to him. He'd ask:
"well what is the real object? The real object's atomic and molecular structure is continually
changing in real time. So what is the original real object and how close does an ever so
slightly changed original object from the original have to be to say 'OK' good enough?" .Then
he'd start in on the "Blip Theory of Reality" where we were all very tiny blips of mass flashing
through the day to whatever degree of precision you require - you know - Newton's delta x
requirements - tell me what degree of accuracy you require and I submit that half of that will
always satisfy you.First year calculus." They were in the same calculus class at MIT. So was
Evelyn. 'No, he said, you could build an entire universe on that basis and Newton would
always be the referee whenever someone objected to the "truth of motion" based on tiny little
increments of change, but it's not really like that. We live in a continuous perfect universe
Aristotle was right. The supreme being would not create something that wasn't perfect. So
what are these atoms and electrons and all that stuff then.? They're our own inability to see
clearly and say we know and the use of our machines instead to measure things and dictate
values that we assign to the measuring devices rather than the true values. Mass is not little
tiny atoms or even smaller particles. It's brown ooze." Then Bill would start to crack up and
they'd both drink some more beer and laugh together..
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