Monday, March 15, 2021

                                                We All Still Love You Harry

          Bill still had no idea where to start or what to do about a situation that seemed to be 
turning into a nightmare. He considered Ed Sharp the cause of most of the sudden, highly 

unlikely drama surrounding the sudden "disappearance" of a few fashion models and a sports 


     For all he knew, Sharp was making this all up anyhow. Maybe he needed a promotion? 

 Maybe he was just bored? He knew Harry since they were kids. They would both laugh 

 themselves to tears over Ed Sharp and his spies and subterfuge. Why not just call his house 

and leave a message? "Hey Harry just wanted to talk with you - give me a call." 

     "OK, we'll give it a try Evelyn. Worst case, he'll get mad at us - even worse something's  

wrong with him. At least, we'll be able to help him." Evelyn wasn't taking this so well at all. "it's 

not natural. We don't even talk like this. He'll see this right away." She was talking about the 

patter that Ed Sharp had made them memorize. "The good of our country and Mankind. We 

never talk like that Bill". "We'll play it by ear. We'll see what it is and deal with it. First things 

first.  We'll see if he's OK and we'll take it from there." What about the devices?" Ed Sharp had 

devices placed into their clothing that recorded and transmitted all their conversations. 'We're not

doing anything wrong - we'll just go and do the very best we can."  Bill was tired and frustrated. 

He was not at all up to what he was about to confront. 

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