Sunday, September 29, 2013

Indian Summer Continued

The two paper birches that had stood in front of the kitchen window for thirty years or so had been cut down and cleared from the front yard. This morning  the open space was one great big beautiful green  lake that just invited you to jump in. It was  Indian Summer and very late September in Vermont.  You just don't get days like this any more.  I watched the dog sniffing along the edge of our driveway. I caught many of the fine scents of the little blue fall flowers myself. Honey bees buzzed about. It was a fresh morning. I was thinking "this must be like a cup of coffee for the dog" and just then he licked the ground and sampled a bit of a thick mulch of dead ground leaves and twigs and live grasses. I could smell how sweet it was myself. The morning was so fine, you could just drink it down. The dog did just that!

I sharpened the cutters on the chain saw. It would have been a perfect day if I could've started it easily. But it just wouldn't happen. Once it was flooded, it was all over. I just packed it away for tomorrow. Perhaps it was too nice a day to work.

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