Everything Right Again Harry
There are times when everything goes right. Japan surrenders. The girl you've been trying to date for years winks at you, You melt in her smile. The sun is warm and the sky blue. Tons of disappointments evaporate. Everything is right again.
Harry believed that if you had a good purpose and worked hard, you'd ultimately win out over a lesser purposes and negligence. He believed in our constitution. Imagine! In this day and age? Was it just too many black and white TV reruns from the 50's and 60's, or was it something deeper?
This time it was Evelyn Cohen and the same smile she gave him when he got back a test in the fourth grade that had a grade of "D". It was in his favorite subject - science! It wasn't a slap in the face, it was Albert Dreyfus having his medals and rank ripped from his uniform in public, for no single fault of his own. "I told you Mrs. Owens was evil Harry!" Evelyn smiled at him again, and he knew there was justice in the universe. He had a real friend. "Quiet back there", Mrs. Owens glared at the two of them. "Something else to destroy" oozed out of the venom pits in her neck.
Harry saw the same smile and knew that everything would be right again. He knew that he was totally in love with Evelyn and had been all of his life,
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