Saturday, April 3, 2021

                                       We All Still Love You Harry 

                                                   Making Sense Now   


       It had been a long day. The sun was low over the ocean. Orange light touched the 

front of their cottage, a lonely little building set in an immense jungle, no phones or TV and no 

electric power except for their generators. Their boat was anchored out a bit and easily  

accessible by walking through the fairly shallow water of the receding tide. It held better 

electronic communication systems than their cottage. Bill and Harry often sat here, watched TV, 

drank coffee and spoke while quietly rolling over the soft waves coming into their large curved 

natural harbor. They  had been speaking about putting a dock in for over twenty years now.     

         Bill started laughing about Ed Sharp and his crew. "Ha Ha - I wonder if Ed knows where 

they are yet." He twisted in his chair and nearly fell out with his laughter. Harry smiled and 

looked at him. "ok He'll be as long as the snakes don't bite him", and laughed right along with 

Bill, the two of them nearly on the floor. 

     "Nothing to worry about really", he coughed a bit and started laughing again, "as long as 

they get the anti venin into them fast enough - I sent some guides to get them out of there -

they'll just get what they deserve - a good scare", and he dried the tears from his eyes. 

      He looked over to Bill again and in a lower tone added, "I did this for you Bill, all of it. I 

wanted you to have the things you were missing in life. Your parents and brother and sister,

 lost in the accident. I wish I had known them. Nothing can replace them, but good friends 

and a family of your own can help."  Bill was breathing deeply now and thinking deeply too. 

He.and Harry had been friends since grade school and then roommates in college. He looked 

at Harry. "All this time?" He got up and walked around the room, "I should have known. I did 

know. Good grief Harry." Then his chest started to heave and he remembered the tragedy. "I 

didn't know anything Harry. I was totally numb. I just sort of moved through life one step at a 

time. Me and Uncle Jack and you at school and on the playground, and here we are. It's 

starting to make sense now."

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