Thursday, October 5, 2017

The Levi Brothers go Online

     The Levi Brothers had been manufacturing fold-up paper dreams for millennia. Their first attempts had been on papyrus using charcoal from oil lamp smoke mixed with  the same oil as ink. Some thought that the entire exodus from Egypt was originated from within a Levi Brothers fold up dream - though even speaking about this would have been blasphemy.
     It was the magic of language behind it all of course. Make no mistake. The wonderful and miraculous universe of ideas - the heady enthusiasms - the music - the colors and light - the dance of the imagination - the intense suspense - all the mystery and romance - the fiercest of battles - all this - the finest  inheritance of the human race - yes, all this - from language - perthaps our highest skill.
     Thought does not need language - but a chorus of thought is aided and ignited by our languages.
     The Levi Brothers knew all this - and more. They knew how to fold paper. You would undo the package and wonder what it contained as you unfolded the contents. It would expand and develop colorfully - almost musically - likes new toys that children can hear - and there it was - as big as life - and you would dream - so pleasant - so fine...
     Today we have books and it is whispered that from the earliest of times that their entire evolution has been predetermined by just a few of their finest fold-up dreams. Which of these you ask? Well, it's certain you already know eh? Those that came to your mind of course because it is sure - it is a certainty that you - like everybody else has dreamt these dreams.
     There is a current of sadness that runs through this technical introduction.
     Some say that in our forgotten history lie terrible times where our very imaginations have been torn from us -  our smiles and all our fondest of memories erased.  All this might have led to much abuse and misuse of our finest of communication systems.
     Be that as it may - and considering all the technical developments since writing on paper began, still the Levi Brothers have developed a new folding system that even eclipses the magnetic tape method of folding and the latest light folding onto light sensitive many layered plastic disk methods.
This method - their latest of all developments for folded dreams - "The Singing Buzz Folded Dream"  will be available online shortly after publishing this public release,,,

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