Thoughts for the New Year
"A place to go worth going to and a way to get there - that's all you need", smiled the old sailor. He puffed on his long curved pipe and added; "steer clear of places where they prohibit smoking."
What this really means is that you can have a rewarding year if you want and if you can draw up a practical plan for it. It's neither that difficult nor that simple a task really. Is there anything you'd like to be, do or have that you aren't, aren't doing or don't have now? Do you have a way to get there? Can you handle obstacles?
Many people put off doing any of that. They limit their goals and activities to TV and cruises and "jobs". They "watch" life. Sometimes they see someone actually living it. More often they read about it. Cultures can and have moved forward. Today most are not doing so well. People join cultural movements to have more participation in life. There's nothing really wrong with any of that - unless things are just not moving along the way you'd like it.
Life itself provides previews and motivation to most everyone on most every subject. You can be exhilarated. Skiing down a mountain for example, sky diving, driving fast can all be exhilarating. Many people do these things. More people watch them or watch videos of them.
It doesn't have to be that dramatic or risky for that matter. Just going outside to play when you're young can be pure exhilaration. New games every day! Things to do worth doing! You can even see animals playing and having all kinds of fun. It doesn't take all that much imagination.
There's a time when being young and impulsive is most proper and there's a time when being older and wiser is more fitting for making the most of life.
Make your own choices of course, but have a really great 2015!
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