Tuesday, November 19, 2013

After the Dance

The girls were something else to perceive. They wore what appeared to be grass

skirts with flowers and brightly colored pieces of cloth all sewn up to look like

what Nomi thought Hawaiian hula girls should look like. Several  of her troupe

were quite overweight. Several were very young and small bodied. Nomi herself

had an intensely attractive figure as she led the rest of the girls. The music was

loud and the dance was sensual, rhythmic and well balanced with the music.

Nomi obviously had a gift that, till now, Jim barely suspected. It's difficult to

describe the effect of Miranda's music and the dancing along with the interrupted

plan and subsequent confusion. The Vulture appeared hypnotized by it all, as if

everything that happened was part of the show. Theatre has a power all its own.

People allow it to continue and produce its effects, even strange and threatening

as the case might be. Here is what probably happened. There is no other rational


The girls were still dancing as the pirates were being locked up in the brig. Nomi

still held most of Captain Wallace's attention. Their eyes met in a moment that

must have been pure glee,  like when you bet on a long shot and it came from

behind and you and the object of your affection were jumping up and down at the

same time, in the same rhythm, and everything else that could be right, was.

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