Saturday, August 24, 2013

Boarding Party

Boarding of the New Horizons II


There was something wrong with this inspection. Jim's attitude shifted from a feeling that something odd was afoot to one of genuine worry and concern about where he stowed his firearm  as he watched the boarding crew climb up toward the bridge. "They're not using safety grips on the handholds", he thought. "Their clothing could catch any number of places" he wondered. "They're moving far too quickly. They're not inspecting anything. They want the ship." Captain Wallace barked an order to Lieutenant Hereschoff.  "Slam the hatch - close it.", just as the form of "The Vulture" began to emerge through the hatch opening. "Not so fast Captain, we'll be giving the orders from now on." The foul smell of "The Vulture", Captain Penance as he preferred on shipboard, along with the reptilian hiss in many of his slurred words entered the cabin with him and his band of pirates dressed as Port Guard.

Jim's heart sank as Captain Penance began to re-plot a course and speak over the intercom. "Dear passengers and crew this is Captain Penance. We will be following a somewhat different course than we had previously planned. Your safety and arrival at Port Grissom depends totally on the willingness of your family and friends to transfer the funds we've requested within the time limit we've determined. I'm sure there'll be no problem. Enjoy your dinner. Out."

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