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Rinny had an older brother, Shep, who was always trying to interest him in a "more
constructive life", as he put it at times. Today he was reading about glass bottles that were
used as containers for all kinds of things way back in the early part of the century, even as
recently as the 2040s. "Here's one for you Rinny," he said as he handed him a blip of a light
green-colored soda bottle from around 2020. "Liquid refreshment. Lime flavored carbonated
water" - Rinny started to smile - "Jackson's Key Lime Soda". "You got any, looks good?" He
asked."You probably would drink it too," Shep answered. They both laughed.
He said, "play song" and the blip started to play the jingle about Jackson's Key Lime Soda
and all these funny-looking kids from the 20s are singing and dancing around, having a great
time drinking their soda. "So what? That's how they were. You want me to be like that I
"I was just showing you the bottle Rinny." "Glass bottles and carbonated water, Bad
enough drinking carbonated water, what a waste to manufacture all that glass though huh?"
'It took a while to develop organic materials, so what? Carbonated water fizzed and tickled
their noses or something. Who cares?" "You think you're so smart, I bet I could sell you glass-
bottled soda today if I felt like it. You'd be telling all your friends to try it too. He
started to sing the Jackson jingle and they both had a really good laugh.
It was May 2073 and it was raining lightly outside their window In eastern Connecticut.