Monday, December 9, 2019

The Second Step

                                                        The Second Step 

   Where were you when Neil Armstrong took that first step? He was on the Moon - that's 

for sure. It was July 20, 1969 - well sort of. In Florida it was 10:56 pm EDT. 

"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."  And now here we are.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Thanksgiving on the Mars Colony

                                           Thanksgiving on the Mars Colony

     Imagine trying to put together a Thanksgiving Dinner on Mars! No pumpkins. No turkeys. 

No Atmosphere! Sure, they could drop a hundred complete Thanksgiving Dinners in time for

the holiday. You could televise the whole thing and make the Earth people laugh and 

wonder. They were paying the bills. Why shouldn't they get a smile out of our efforts. Still, 

it wasn't really Thanksgiving. No pilgrims. No Indians. No snow except at the poles and that 

was carbon dioxide. No atmosphere. Marsha could feel a tear starting to fall. Why'd she sign

on to a crazy tour like this. "Twelve years of pioneering through the heavens".She 

remembered the poster. The stars and the sun and the little red planet. Then she thought of 

the pioneers that landed at Plymouth Colony and were lucky enough to have food to eat and

a shelter against the coming winter. "They had just about the same level of difficulty ahead  

of them as we do here and now". And she cried for them and wondered what kind of 

"Indians" might happen into their camp...