Thursday, December 17, 2015

Tel Graeta

                                                                     Tel Graeta

It seemed like an endless chain of tunnels and Ilana worried that they had lost their way and were going in circles. "Don't worry, we'll be there soon",  Aminadav was leading them up to the surface along one of the carefully constructed escape routes that served as a "last resort" method to exit the base enclosure. "We were down over 150 feet, we could have withstood a direct hit."
The tunnels had been hastily cut through fused layers of earth and foam, formed from molten magma-like material, all engineered against shock, heat, and radiation. The small party rose through the last stairway and outer port. For all the careful ventilation below, it was still very special to breath in fresh surface air. It was good to feel the sun on your face. Aminadav looked across the crater to the Israeli side and remembered his home at Tel Graeta.
Among his first memories, were the precious moments his spent at his bedroom window looking out across the fields of Tel Graeta,  a  small farming community within a larger region of technical facilities and  defense manufacture. Both of his parents worked as scientists and engineers. His uncle owned and kept the farm where they all lived. Aminadav recalled the smell of the animals and the dust from the fields, the grass and the sounds of the birds, the hum of the generator plant a few miles to the south.
He looked at them looking at him and smiled. "Can't I have a few seconds for myself", and laughed.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Threat Passes

The threat came and went. There were near misses and no great damage to their facility. Aminadav 
smiled at the captain of the defense domain. "Thank you Mordechai for your fine preparations." 
Mordechai smiled in return. "We expected a heavier force",  and questioned, "has Perfect Hit struck a 
target?"  "Indeed it has", answered  Aminadav.  "There is no enemy left within our range", as if he were 
asking for more sweet to his hot drink. This was his specialty, his pride. He spoke like a chess master of 
the early days when he has forced his opponent into an impossible situation through sheer familiarity, 
and recognition of patterns  within the game , simple rules to follow, do your homework and you succeed, 
matter of fact. Mordechai liked this about him and so did most of his command